Do you see what I see? (MirraViz Videos)
Do you see what I see? (MirraViz Videos) One of the challenges we have in describing MirraViz products is that it is difficult to visualize M...
Do you see what I see? (MirraViz Videos) One of the challenges we have in describing MirraViz products is that it is difficult to visualize M...
Reddit Runaway: “Fair (glasses free) split screens” We were posted on Reddit this week, going viral and hitting #8 on the front page with 600K...
“Booth Envy” at the E3 Gaming Conference Wow! Amazing displays and jaw-dropping booth setups at E3! I wish this commentary was only about Mi...
The Death of Split-screen and Screen-cheating Sick of screen-cheating? Frustrated with playing a console game on a quarter of a TV shared wit...