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MirraViz Product Overview

MirraViz produces the world’s only glasses-free MultiView products. Our products enable multiple viewers to share one large screen with each person able to see personalized, bright and immersive content over the entire screen. No glasses or head mounted devices are required. This eliminates screen cheating during multiplayer gaming and enables the viewing of personalized content in the company of family and friends.  

MirraViz product line offers the following key features:

    1. MultiView: The world's first and only glass-free MultiView capability with up to 4-6 simultaneous, full-screen, personalized views on a single large area display
    2. UltraBright:  MirraViz screens are 100-200x brighter than traditional "high-gain" projector screens 
    3. Easy Installation:  Because the MirraViz screens are passive and light, installation of screens as large as 105" in size is as simple as hanging a picture frame.
    4. Configurable:  Upcoming products will allow MirraViz screens to be customized with creative shapes, flexible form-factors and semi-transparency.   

MirraViz currently offers the following products:

    1. MultiView Gaming Chair (details)
    2. MultiView TableTop System (details)
    3. UltraBright MultiView Screen (details)
    4. MultiView Displays for Trade Shows and Exhibits (details)

Company Background

Company Overview: MirraViz produces the world’s only glasses-free MultiView products. Our products enable multiple viewers to share one large screen with each person able to see personalized, bright and immersive content over the entire screen. No glasses or head mounted devices are required. This eliminates screen cheating during multiplayer gaming and enables the viewing of personalized content in the company of family and friends.  MirraViz also offers MultiView Display Systems for Trade Shows and Exhibits 

Location: Fremont, California in Silicon Valley

Company Size: 5-10 employees

Intellectual Property: 14 patents granted or pending, and growing

Manufacturing: MirraViz Screens manufactured in USA

Co-Founders:  Michael Wang and David Jiang

Company Started Operations: January 2016           

First Product Launched and Shipped: July 2017

Product: Available Online at


The MultiView Experience

MirraViz MultiView Experience

What is the MirraViz MultiView experience?  MirraViz displays enable multiple people viewing one screen to each see completely different, immersive, and personalized content over the entire surface of the same screen, all without glasses or head-mounted devices.


DirectPhoton Technology

By focusing and directly light very efficiently back to individual users, MirraViz DirectedPhoton Technology enables extremely bright and vibrant images as well as our unique MultiView capability for personalization of content on large area displays.  

Recent Press Releases

        Articles and Buzz

        BGR Top 10 at CES 2018 "The 10 most exciting new products that were unveiled at CES 2018"

        BRG “Technology that looks like magic”

        BGR Day 1 Top 10

        The Verge "It will look perfect and crisp and bright . . . play co-op without relying on split-screen"

        Engadget "one of the wildest...things I have seen at CES."

        TechCrunch "MirraViz is a revolutionary way to do split screen gaming"

        Digital Trends "fighting over who gets to pick the channel . . . might soon be a thing of the past"

        Yahoo News "viewers at home watch multiple high-definition videos all on the same screen"

        Tnooz "Six products from the CES ethers that we want the hotel industry to adopt and incorporate, stat."

        "Family destination hotels, take note, as well as restaurants looking to provide different viewing experiences from one single screen. This could be huge."

        GadgetFlow "Change the way you view content with the MirraViz UltraBright MultiView Screen"

        Texomas "I was blown away . . . It was amazing"


        tech.ifengqqvccoo (in chinese) 

         ​​​GamologyTrishaCircarAVeAPRTMIrrelevant GamerSinoVisionBeTerrific

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